Bernard's thoughs on these killers and how to stop them reoffending
Bernard used to hold the belief, along with many others, that these child killers should be hung. But over time, this view changed. Through writing to these men, it really sunk in that something mentally just isn't right.
Because Armstrong and Blenkey weren't charged with sex offences, if they're released, they could easily go out and re-offend, just as people who serve their sentences can. There's nothing stopping them from being a danger to society.
Bernard thinks more should be done to not just save children from being victims, but to also save the pedophiles from re-offending and harming others. He thinks that pedophilia should be treated as a mental illness rather than a crime, and then these people can be detained under the Mental Health Act, and properly treated and helped to overcome their attraction and taught to not act on them.
This way, they don't have to serve a sentence where afterwards they can resume attacking children, but they are kept under care until they are deemed 'healthy' enough to be released.